December 1996/January 1997
Volume 2, Number 2
Mallards on Ice
by E. Donnall Thomas Jr.
A Christmas Party
by Michael Pearce
Partners & Ghosts
by J.B. Stearns
by Matthew Miltich
Run for the Border
by Tom Pink
Tips from the Dobbs Training Center
by Jim and Phyllis Dobbs
Handling patterns for the retriever.
The Wingshooter
by Steve Smith
Tips to (maybe) make your shooting a little better.
The Upland Retriever
by Charles Jurney
Family tradition.
The Sporting Spaniel
by Harry Henriques
From the sire, the son shall learn.
Training with Mike Lardy
by Mike Lardy
Double T.
The Fault Forum
by Jerry Warrington
Working on thin ice.
Ask D.L.
by D.L. Walters
Puppy problems.
Veterinary Q&A
by Charlie Powell
First aid for dogs afield
Et al.
Looking Back
by Gene Hill
What if?
Club News
The Curly Coated Retriever
by Bob Butz