October/November 1996
Volume 2, Number 1
A New England Upland Journal
by Stephen Carpenteri
48 Hours
by E. Donnall Thomas, Jr.
The Versatile Golden
by Michael Pearce
The Flat-Coated Retriever
by Bob Butz
Red Dog
by Dave Henderson
Tips from the Dobbs Training Center
by Jim and Phyllis Dobbs
The training platform – more training tips.
The Wingshooter
by Ben O. Williams
The bird of the Northern Lights.
The Upland Retriever
by Charles Jurney
Steadier as she goes.
Into the Past
by Laurie Morrow
Take a duck hunter.
Training with Mike Lardy
by Mike Lardy
After collar conditioning.
The Fault Forum
by Jerry Warrington
Getting into shape.
Ask D.L.
by D.L. Walters
Field trial versus hunting.
Veterinary Q&A
by Charlie Powell
Letters from our readers.
Et al.
Looking Back
by Gene Hill
The XVth Day.
Club News
A Gentle Hand Part II
by Mike Gould
The Retrieve of the Year