September/October 2002
Volume 7, Number 6
Glorious Ruffians
by E. Donnall Thomas Jr.
More than Semi-Tough
A photo essay
Ten Thousand-Foot Blues
by Thomas Pena
Bird of a Lifetime
by Gary Adair
Images of Manitoba Snow
A photo essay
Silence is Golden
by Vic Barlow
Training with Mike Lardy
by Mike Lardy
Designing training ponds.
Tips from the Dobbs Training Center
by Jim and Phyllis Dobbs
Improving Whistle Commands Part II: The come-in whistle.
Ask D.L.
by D.L. Walters
by Butch Goodwin
Training the trainer.
One on One
by James Keldsen
Basic retriever skills and training equipment.
Training with the Pros
by James Keldsen
The pace of training.
The Wingshooter
by Steve Smith
Big gun, little gun.
Waterfowling North America
by Chuck Petrie
Gimmie the bighorn.
Field Notes
by Vickie Lamb
Field trial washouts.
Veterinary Q&A
by Charlie Powell
Et al.
Subscriber Photos
Subscriber Forum
The View From the Pier
by Casimer “Cas” Cecum