September/October 1999
Volume 4, Number 6
Little Ruffs & Big Blues
by E. Donnall Thomas Jr.
Freelancing for Upland Birds
by Larry Brown
A Passing Fancy
by Jason Smith
Pheasant Forever in the Promised Land
by Ben O. Williams
Vermont Snows
by Dick Scorzafava
History Lesson
by H. Lea Lawrence.
Tips from the Dobbs Training Center
by Jim and Phyllis Dobbs
Teaching your dog to mark, Part II
Training with Mike Lardy
by Mike Lardy
Ten east steps to improve your dog’s attitude on blinds.
Ask D.L.
by D.L. Walters
Training with the Pros
by John Dahl
Training suprises.
The Wingshooter
by Steve Smith
Recoil: The not so silent enemy.
Waterfowling North America
by Chuck Petrie
O Canada!
Veterinary Q&A
by Charlie Powell
An urban legend: Is a popular fabric odor eliminator toxic to dogs?
Et al.
Looking Back
by Jason Smith
Atom Bob.
by Lloyd Jones, VP Delta Waterfowl Foundation
Waterfowl Production and Predators.
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