In Coming Soon

August/September 2007
Volume 12, Number 6

The Glorious Tenth
by E. Donnall Thomas Jr.

The Silent Blind
by Sharon Potter

What are Pointing Dog Trainers Doing?
by Jason Smith

Hilly and the Part I Remember
by Steve Smith

The Circus
A Photo Essay

Biofuels and Birds
by Larry Brown

2007 National Amateur Retriever Championship
by Vickie Lamb


Training with Mike Lardy
by Mike Lardy
Advanced training and the factors.

Training with the Pros
by John Dahl
Mid-life maintenance.

by Butch Goodwin
Is your retriever “green”?

Field Notes
by Vickie Lamb
Necessary skills.

One on One
by James Keldsen
Straight lines straight from the start.

The Wingshooter
by Steve Smith
Maybe it’s the little things.

Waterfowling North America
by Doug Larsen
Out standing in your field.

The Vet’s Office
by Ben Character
A real pain the heel.

Et al.

Training Tip
by George Hickox
No free lunch.

Subscriber Photos

Subscriber Forum

The View From the Pier
by Casimer “Cas” Cecum


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