Features Retrievers on the Prairie By E. Donnall Thomas Jr. What Did I Just Shoot? By Chris Smith Advice for Senior Wingshooters By Steve Smith Putting the Pieces Together: The Setup By Charlie [...]
This update to our 2022 Upland Gamebird Hunting Forecast incorporates the results of late summer upland bird population surveys. This data measures recruitment of birds into the fall population, [...]
by Steve Smith We go hunting, many of us, partly to get away from it all. Just us and our dogs and acres and acres of uninhabited prairie or creek bottom or clearcut. Unless we’re, I don’t know, [...]
Special Dog: Doc by Bill Klein, Minnesota It’s pure serendipity, the two of us being in our late 70s together. Neither of us ever planned on being old. Oh, there was the undeniable march of the [...]
Q: My dog started off well during the season in terms of conditioning, but now, he seems not to be able to go as long during the day when we pheasant hunt. With cooler temperatures, [...]