October/November 2011
Volume 17, Number 1

October/November 2011
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The Velveteen Retriever
by E. Donnall Thomas Jr.
In This Corner
A Photo Essay
Letting Go My Heart
by Mark Stevens
High-Water Tactics
by Chris Smith
The Traveling Wingshooter
Blue-Collar Whitefronts
by Dave Smith
Training with Mike Lardy
by Mike Lardy
Problem solving.
by Butch Goodwin
Playground duty.
Training with the Pros
by John Dahl
How gun dogs mark.
Field Notes
by Vickie Lamb
House rules.
The Wingshooter
by Steve Smith
Things that don’t make a whole lot of sense.
Waterfowling North America
by Doug Larsen
The Vet’s Office
by Ben Character
Peering under the hood.
Et al.
Training Tip
by George Hickox
Blinking birds.
Subscriber Photos
Subscriber Forum
The View From the Pier
by Casimer “Cas” Cecum