A Magazine by Experts for Those Who Want to Be!
Ever since its inception over a decade ago, no magazine has reached into the hearts of the hunting retriever people like The Retriever Journal. That’s because we – editors, authors, and photographers – are real retriever people ourselves.
We produce this great magazine from the bluebill and ruffed grouse country of northern Michigan, not the concrete canyons of Los Angeles or New York. This isn’t just what we do for a living, it’s our life; it’s who we are, and it shows in every issue. We hunt with, hunt-test, field trial, live with, and delight in our Labs, goldens, Chesapeakes, water spaniels, and all the rest of the great breeds that are such a part of our North American sporting tradition. In fact, you can say that The Retriever Journal is an “expert’s magazine” because it’s written by experts for experts and those who want to be!
The Retriever Journal… the only full-color magazine in the world devoted exclusively to sporting retrievers. SUBSCRIBE TODAY – one year, six big issues, digital access – all for only $29.95!